Saturday, December 31, 2011

Identifying Key Processes

Knowing which of your processes are truly key to the success of your organization takes a bit of analysis.

Four questions can be used for identifying Key Processes:

Ask yourself:

1. Which outputs are of the greatest importance to our customers?

2. Which processes produce these outputs?

3. Which processes are most visible to our customers?

4. Of the processes identified in response to Questions 2 and 3, which seem to have the greatest potential for improvement?

Once you have identified your Key Processes, you will be well on your way to serving your customers better, and growing your business!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Using Humor to Engage Your Audience

As anyone who knows me will tell you, I like to use Humor in my Presentations. I have always found it beneficial in Engaging the participants, and I am confident it helps to improve student learning.

The creative development of Humor in the virtual classroom deals with "How" to teach, not "What" to teach. The use of humor is a teaching tool that increases the amount of "What" that is actually learned by students. Using humor can have a Very Positive Effect on any classroom (or boardroom) experience.

Some teachers and other professionals fear they will not be taken seriously if their material elicits a laugh now and then. Don’t be Afraid! Try using some humor in your presentation, and see how much it is appreciated by your audience.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Getting Your Inbox to Empty

One of the requirement of effective Time Management is the realization that you cannot (and should try to) do everything at once. What you should do, however, is have Control over all of your "In" boxes, (physical and virtual):

Getting “In” to Empty doesn’t mean actually doing all the actions and projects you have collected It just means:

1.  Identifying each item

2.  Deciding what it is

3.  What it means

4.  What you are going to do with it

Once you have done that, you have control, and in effective time management, control is what it is all about.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Toot the Horn!

Perhaps the most important, and often underutilized, tool in truly effective coaching is Giving Praise.

• Great companies and coaches take the time to Recognize good work and good people

• They also encourage their people to Ask for recognition when it is not forthcoming

• It’s good for your people to “Toot Their Own Horn”!

How do you feel when you get praise for doing something well? You want to do More of It!