Sunday, January 29, 2012

The Keirsey Tests

The Keirsey Temperament and Character tests are interesting and resemble the Meyers-Briggs test. The following link takes you to a location on line (scored immediately.)

Participants will enjoy taking the tests and learning about themselves from the scores they receive. The scores can also be used by instructors at the beginning of courses to learn about students and better plan instructional strategies, emphases, and individualized responses.

Give it a try; it is interesting and rather fun...

Friday, January 20, 2012

Coaching Feedback

Another Essential Rule of Coaching in the workplace is:

Be Comfortable with Feedback

Not so easy”, you say? Like so many things in our personal as well as professional lives, this can be a learned skill. Practice giving and receiving feedback. Consider the following:

• What if a coach is Uncomfortable giving or getting feedback?

• That Discomfort will probably be projected

• A Negative attitude is contagious

• But, so is a Positive one!

Feedback: Going out and coming in – One of the Essentials to success in the workplace.

Friday, January 13, 2012

TeacherTube Rocks!

Another great technology resource (that is Free!) is TeacherTube:

TeacherTube is an online community for sharing instructional videos. It is a site where teachers can post videos designed for students to view in order to learn a concept or skill.

Among other things, with TeacherTube, community members can:

1.Upload, tag and share videos worldwide.

2.Browse hundreds of videos uploaded by community members.

3.Integrate TeacherTube videos on websites using video embeds or APIs.

4.Make videos public or private - users can elect to broadcast their videos publicly or share them privately with those they invite.

TeacherTube - Try it out!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Measuring Outputs

The Measurement of Outputs in business is Critical to any organization. What is important, of course, is making sure what is being measured is Germane to the Success of the venture.

Two Ways of measuring outputs are to look at the Voice of the Process and the Voice of the Customer:

The Voice of the Process
Output measures that describe the Actual Outputs and capabilities of the process

The Voice of the Customer
Output measures that describe Customer’s needs, wants, and expectations

Both measurements are important to understand what is needed by the customer, and what the system is delivering to satisfy those needs.