Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Teacher Tube!

Another great technology resource to integrate into your company's educational efforts (and is Free!) is TeacherTube:

TeacherTube is an online community for sharing instructional videos. It is a site where teachers can post videos designed for students to view in order to learn a concept or skill.

Among other things, with TeacherTube, community members can:
  1. Upload, tag and share videos worldwide.
  2. Browse hundreds of videos uploaded by community members.
  3. Integrate TeacherTube videos on websites using video embeds or APIs.
  4. Make videos public or private - users can elect to broadcast their videos publicly or share them privately with those they invite.
TeacherTube - Try it out! http://www.teachertube.com/index.php

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The Problem May be Your System

The father of quality management, W. Edwards Deming, believed in the Use of Statistics in the management of quality control in the corporate world. The need for a working understanding of basic statistical principles is at the heart of Deming's teaching. "Statistical theory has changed practice in almost everything [in business].”

Composing music was one of his many talents, and when thinking of the difficult-to-sing national anthem, he created a clever Metaphor for the work process:
  • Don’t blame the singers (workers) for not hitting the notes
  • The song (system) is the problem
  • Instead, rewrite the song (fix the system)
If you are having trouble meeting your company goals, don’t necessarily point a finger at the workers; the problem may well be your system.

ASQ: American Society for Quality

Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Six Sigma Strategy

As we have discussed before, Six Sigma is a powerful business strategy that utilizes data and facts, rather than intuition for making sound corporate decisions. The key methodology of Six Sigma is DMAIC:
  • Define process improvement goals that are consistent with customer demands and corporate goals
  • Measure key aspects of the current process and collect data
  • Analyze the data to verify cause-and-effect relationships
  • Improve the process based upon data analysis
  • Control to ensure that any deviations from target are corrected before they result in defects
Even if your organization does not wholeheartedly adopt Six Sigma, it can still benefit from many of its precepts.